Sunday, April 3, 2016

Production Schedule

Here is a rough production schedule for the week:

11:00-12:00---gather more info and complete the required amount of sources. Compiling audio clips.
***Probably done in the Science and Engineering Library as I wait for chemistry class.  All I'll need is a computer.

5:20-6:00----start writing out parts of script.
***Dorm room.  Pen and paper are the materials needed.

11:00-12:00---begin piecing together audio from sources.  Find ways to integrate lines from script in as well as background sound and music.
***Dorm room/ Science and Engineering Library.

10:00-12:00---Finish Script. Record audio (me speaking). 
**Dorm room.  Need Garage Band.
5:20-6:30---Record/cut and integrate audio
***Dorm room.  Need Garage Band.

 11:00-12:00--- Record/ cut and integrate audio.
**Study room.  Will need Garage Band.

Don't know times yet, as I will have a 4 hour rehearsal block.  Will try to record and play with background music and formatting this day.
***Dorm room/ Paradise Bakery.

Anytime:  Work on formatting and having accurate citations.
***Study room.

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