Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Interview Subjects

Project 1 is complete.  Phew!

However, I have been instructed by my lovely D2L page that it is time to start yet another string of blog posts, for yet another project.  In this project, I will be interview faculty members in one of my areas of study, and how they communicate and use writing in their fields.
(Note: in the dance department we typically don't address our professors as formally as do other departments.  We go on a first name basis.)

  1. The names of the two people you're scheduled to interview for Project 2
    1.  James Clouser (Mr. C) and Michael Williams
  2. The names of the organization(s) your interviewees work for, as well as their job titles
    1.  Both of my interviewees work for the University of Arizona, specifically the School of Dance.  Both hold the title of "Dance Professor"; however, Michael focuses more on jazz dancer and Mr. C focuses more on ballet.
  3. Any higher education degree that your interviewees hold and the names of the institutions that issued them.
    1. Mr. C--- He holds both an MA and MFA degree from Eastman School of Music. He has been a dancer with American Ballet Theater and was a principal dancer with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet for 9 years.  He has studied at many prestigious dance institutions such as the Royal Ballet Schools of London and Copenhagen, as well as the Bolshoi and Kirov Schools in Russia. 
    2.  Michael--- He received a Bachelors Degree in Music Education  Some of his earlier dance training began at the Gus Giordano Dance Center of Chicago.  He became a dancer in the Gus Giordano Company, touring worldwide, and eventually served as a Jazz teacher at the dance center.
  4. How many years your interviewees have worked in the field professionally?
    1. Michael has been working professionally in the world of dance for about 37 years.
    2. Mr. C has been working in the world of dance for approximately 66 years.
  5. If you can, provide photos or images of the two interviewees (identify them with captions), as well as hyperlinks to their professional website(s) or home page(s). 
Full bio for Mr. C can be located here.
    "James Clouser" via Public Domain

      "Michael Williams" via public Domain
Full bio for Michael located here.

  1. The date, time & location of your scheduled interview.
    1. Interviews will be done early this upcoming week.  Exacts dates and times are being decided since we are in the midst of one of our performance weeks.
  2. A list of 8 to 12 interview questions (for each interviewee) that are written to specifically reflect the interviewee's background, position and publication history.  (I am counting the bulleted sub-questions as questions as well).
    1.  What led you to pursue a career in dance, especially after getting a degree in music?
    2. What was the transition like from dancer to teacher/artistic director?
    3. You've written a book the book Looking at Dance, what motivated you to write this?
      • Was it primarily for teaching purposes at the University of Arizona School of Dance?
    4. What was it like touring and dancing?
      • Do you feel like this effected your effected the way the danced/choreographed?
    5.  When you choreograph a piece, what are certain elements that you always try to apply in order for the piece to best connect with your audience?
      • How do you balance gestural elements with textbook dance steps in order to a dance to be visually appealing? 
    6.  Why did you choose to teach at the University of Arizona, after teaching/being a director at several other schools?

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