Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Variety

Let's talk about variety in this next blog post.

  1. I think that my draft has one too many complex and compound complex sentences.  I will need to try to insert more simple sentences in order to keep the reader's attention.  It's not as if I don't apply them, there are just considerably fewer of them.  There are not too many instances of this, but in a couple places I start a lot with the same pronoun.  This can be easily altered.
  2.  I would say that my paragraph structures are fairly varied.  They are different lengths and concentrate solely on one topic.  They are also situated to the left and the right of the paper, which is more visually appealing to reader.
  3. My vocabulary is not a advanced as I feel it could be, but at the same time, I do not want it to be so advanced that it loses the interest of the reader.  I feel that it has enough variety and advancement to sound educated without losing the reader. 
"Untitled" via Public Domain

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