Saturday, February 20, 2016

Local Revision: Tense Usage

Yay! Specific verbs! Sorry I could not get the column to work out.  I hope this formatting will suffice.  

Present Tense
has,  possessing, portray, has, brought, have, stands, executes, skimming, hits, watching, claim, receiving, attempts, distract, saying, wears, tries, objectify, saying, go, achieve, endures, fit, stirring, between, complete, has, begin, dancing, speak, made, made, is, peg, claims, talking, eating, have, comment, be, dancing, degraded, believe, say, communicating, upset, qualifies, implies, make, assume, recovering, assess, see, influences, commenting, jive, works, have, have, are, stand, refuse, faithful.

 Past Tense
 spread, talked, wrote, ruffled, began, rushed, danced, sat, mulled, buzzed, gripped, wooshed, blazed, rang, flew, scrutinized, commented, had, sampled, interpreted, saw, jumped, focused, considered,  confused, wrote, supported, said, wrote, seen, released, focused, touched, played, acted, made, refused, expressed, brought, suffered, removed, made, stated, asked, answered, humiliated, showed, moved, focused, echoed, agreed, questioned, believed, scrutinized, served, had, served, sparked, been, experienced, reflected, stated, criticized, agreed, divided.

 Future Tense


  1. Past tense is the most prevalent verb tense in my draft.
  2. The reader is less "in the action," and instead is forced to evaluate the consequences more.
  3. I think my change of verb tense flows pretty well, although I am going to look over a couple transitions.  I felt that in some instances you needed present tense to grab the reader's attention more.
  4.  I did employ present tense. I feel it captivates the reader, and helps put them into the action more.  This can help them feel more invested in the characters and/or the story.
bhatnaturally "untitled" 1/14/2014 via Public Domain.

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