Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutal Honest Self-Assessment

Below are my thoughts on the project condensed.

  1.  I feel pretty good about the work I have done, but in all honesty I have heard that our first projects get ripped to shreds, so my hopes are not sky high.  I feel like I have come a long way on the project though, and did better than I personally thought I would.
  2. I feel like maybe I didn't elaborate enough on each individual character, but then again should I? This isn't their life stories.  I also feel as though my formatting might not been as creative as some of my other classmates.  I couldn't figure out how to put the GIFs I wanted into a Word document.  I came a long way for a technology illiterate person though.
  3. Perhaps my best strength is how much I talked about each person's point of view.  I felt as though I did enough research to accurately communicate each of their views to the fullest.
  4. I feel that I actually did do a pretty good job in terms of time management.  Their were a couple instances where I was rushed, but overall I feel I was pretty organized.
Allison, Lisa "Reflections" via Public Domain

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