Sunday, February 7, 2016

Draft of Project 1

Hi all!

Here is my rough (very rough) draft of Project 1.  Right now, I feel like I just have a lot of information on paper, since I have been a little rushed this week.  I plan on doing more of the formatting this week in the editing stage.  I would really love, if you could give me any more suggestions on information that is not clear enough, or if perhaps I need to rearrange things in a way that the reader can more easily follow.  I intend on doing a QRG, so organization is key!

The link to my draft is here.

Thank you so much in advance for your input!

Michaela Harrington

Smiley, Face, Happy, Thumbs Up, Thumb, Hand, Positive
OpenClipArtVectors "No Title" 10/03/2013 via Pixabay. Public Domain


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awesome job covering all the content for this issue, Michaela! I understand what you mean when you say that it is a very rough, rough draft, it's all good though. I suggest that you start to refine your information and break up paragraphs and what not. I'm sure once the QRG elements are all added it will be an awesome post! Link to my rubric can be found here.

  3. Hi Michaela! I really enjoyed reading your QRG. I don't really know anything about dance so it was very interesting! Here is the link to my rubric! :)
