Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

In this blog post I will reflect on the giant list of pronouns from the last post and determine whether I believe they are being effectively used or not.

  1. After examining my pronoun usage, I feel pretty confident I have done a good job. I actually fixed a couple instances where the pronouns could omitted, and instead be replaced with something a little more direct, such as restating the name again.    However, I find that as long as the pronouns stay pretty consistent to their "specific person" in a section, it isn't bad to include them.  What gets messy is when you are jumping back and forth between two people who are using the same pronoun.  I'm not sure what this exactly says about my writing style. Perhaps I am organized with my pronouns?
  2. Flen, Brian " Untitled" via Public Domain
  3.   There are a couple instances where I have used the pronoun "we" to include both myself and the readers.  I use this in the sections that talk about evaluating each stakeholder.  I think it is strong because by including the audience, it makes them tune in and think more about what they are reading and what makes these stakeholders qualified.  In turn, it helps evaluate the article more for themselves.

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