Sunday, May 1, 2016

Content Outline for Project 4

Hey all, here is my content outline for project 4.

Content Outline for Project 4

Intro:  For my freshman year of college at the University of Arizona, I chose to enroll in English 109H.  I was advised by my friends in my dorm that when enrolling I should try my hardest to not enroll in Sean Bottai’s section, as the time commitment was “ridiculous” compared to the credit I would be earning.  Well, it turns out that this was only class that fit my schedule, so I was strapped into the class.  However, despite frustrating moments, I felt that I specifically learned a lot about technology, as well as my own approach to writing and time management throughout this class.

1.     My approach to writing/time management
a.     Used to be detailed outlines mixed with the “flying by the seat of my pants” technique.
                                               i.     I still do this to some degree, but I rely more heavily on the detailed outline now.
                                             ii.     The flying by the seat of my pants came more with the time I alloted to these tasks. However, I came to learn to prioritize these assignments.
1.     Better at time management with the projects by the end, especially with the video and podcast.
a.     On time with assembling projects.  Found time during lunch breaks and weekends. And at 1:00 AM.
2.     No lie, I procrastinated on all the blogs, except for the ones that were actually useful (certain peer reviews, content outlines, evaluating sections of my drafts).
a.     Sorry, I’m leaving stuff like “count all the pronouns” blogs until 11:45 pm.
2.     Technology failures and triumphs.
a.     Working with iMovie
                                               i.     How do I edit audio clips?
                                             ii.     How do I edit video footage and put it with audio?
                                            iii.     Uploading will not work. (Why don’t you love me iMovie?)
1.     (cite production report “a” during project 2)
                                            iv.     Despite video not uploading, still made a pretty successful project.
b.     And then the podcast came.
                                               i.     Was able to better work with iMovie, since I had experience.
                                             ii.     Past experience made making podcast smooth and overall more enjoyable.
                                            iii.     Yay I learned!

Conclusion:  This course, despite some frustrating moments where I wanted to smash my computer to smithereens and rip out my hair, actually helped me in the long run.  Although I did not necessarily feel that my writing ability increased or decreased, I saw my technological skills increase by being forced to work within these writing genres.  Blogs aside, I also know better what writing approaches work best for me, and how to structure my time for demanding projects, so that I work more efficiently.  So in hindsight, maybe it was meant to be that this was the only English 109H course that fit into my schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Michaela!

    I really like your outline. I feel you did a great job outlining your experiences in this class. Although your outline doesn't follow each project chronologically (for example project 1 to 2 to 3), I feel that yours makes sense.

    One suggestion to your first body paragraph would be to end on a positive note. Try and end it with something you learned, or some you got some value from. This'll make your reflection look much better.

    Great start to your project! You have a bunch to work with and you seem to have a strong start.
