Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Schedule for Project 4

Here is my project 4 schedule in case you want to stay up to date with my progress?

I’m not doing anything this day.  I need to breathe after project 3. Cool, thanks.
12:30-1:45 Brainstorm for content outline for project in English class. 
-Material are my computer and my brain, duh!
Nothing done this day.
12:30-1:45 Begin writing and fine tuning content outline, making it as detailed as possible.

Place: Gittings.

Materials: computer and brain.
-Stew over outline more and intermittently worry about chem test that evening.
--Any time before 5:00 pm. --Finish fine tuned content outline and begin writing a rough draft of project.

Place: dorm room and Paradise Bakery.

Brain and computer.
--Any time before 1:00 pm—finish all blog posts and finish up a rough working draft of project 4.

Place: dance building/ my dorm.

Material: computer and what’s left of my brain.

1 comment:

  1. Michaela-

    I think you have a little mix up with your scheduling- Our final is due on Friday, May 6th between the period of 3pm and 5 pm (at least for my section, it may be different hours of the day for yours). Just making sure you know that because you don't have next weekend to work on this project, but I'm sure you'll be able to knock out the essay quickly if you just shift your work and take advantage of monday and wednesday!

    Hope your project goes smoothly!
