Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14a

Here is a portion of my rough cut, specifically my introduction.

"For my freshman year of college at the University of Arizona, I chose to enroll in English 109H.  I was advised by my friends in my dorm that when choosing courses, that I should try my hardest to not enroll in Sean Bottai’s section, as the time commitment was “ridiculous” compared to the credit I would be earning.  Well, it turns out that this was only class that fit my schedule, so I was strapped into the class.  However, despite frustrating moments, I felt that I specifically learned a lot about technology, as well as my own approach to writing and time management throughout this specific course."

  1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
    • Since I am writing an essay, I decided to write in a more formal structure.  However, I wanted to be able to insert my own personality and voice into the project itself, especially the introduction as seen here.
    • As for content, I wanted this to be a little more about why I chose the course, so then I can segway into talking about what I have learned through the semester about my writing process and technology skills.
  2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
    •  The production of this particular raw material was not too difficult.  The hardest thing will be citing myself; however, I think I will just be pulling from blog posts for that.  I've tried very hard to keep myself down to talking only about 2 specific subjects, so that I can be more detailed.

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