Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Tim Wils

I did my first peer review on Tim's podcast. 

  1. The name of the project (that I could see)was Project 2 Final Draft and the author was none other than Tim Wils.  
  2.  Here is the link to Tim's fabulous draft.
  3.  I chose the "Make a recommendation about form" activity.  So essentially, I just talked about how well his podcast followed the general conventions of a podcast.
  4. I think I helped make his podcast better in the sense that I made the audio of him speaking more cohesive.  There were certain things that he inserted into the audio that made it harder to follow.  I also think the suggestion I made about adding some music either as transitions or as background music will help keep the audiences attention.
  5. I was able to incorporate the information I learned from our given podcast genre examples and the characterization list we as a class made about each genre.  We constantly talked about how podcasts can lose the listener's interest when there is nothing else other than voice.
  6. I admired how in depth Tim went into his information.  He gave very detailed explanations about his examples, which is making me wonder what I can add to mine in order to improve them.

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