Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Jack Auslen

In this review I will discuss what I have written for Jack's podcast.

  1. The name of the podcast is "Rough Draft" and the author is Jack Auslen.
  2. Here is the hyperlink to the podcast.
  3. I decided to do the "Make a recommendation about form" activity, which mostly involves me critiquing the conventions of the genre at hand (in this case a podcast).
  4. I think my suggestions helped his podcast in the sense that it mad it a little more interesting for listeners. 
    • His content was good and his sources seemed reputable; however, he only included voice.  He needs music or something else in order to break up the content a little and guide the listener through the podcast.  
    • He also needed a little more variance in the voice, which would also help keep the reader interested.
    • Another thing that I think would help would be a script.  Here were a couple awkward pauses that occurred.  Pauses are good in certain places in order to let the listeners breathe, but these occurred in unconventional places.  I think a script would help solve this problem. 
        5.   Once again, I used the characterization of the genre charts we developed together in class     and referenced the genre examples that we provided.  The examples that we were given definitely used music or other background sounds to set a mood or provide interest for the listener.

       6.  I thought that Jack's work was pretty in depth and provided a good amount of information.  I also liked that he was pretty conversational with his interviewees.  I personally cut out any of me talking in the interviews, just because I thought it sounded strange, but it seems to flow well in his podcast.

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