Thursday, January 21, 2016

Investigating Genres


1) What purpose(s) does this genre usually serve?
  • Quick reference guides serve to condense and summarize information on a topic in order to make it more digestible for the reader.  In addition, the quick reference guide pairs written work with visual aspects, such as tables, graphs, pictures and videos.  These help further what the author is trying to covey, without him/her having to write more.  The visual aspects are also more attractive to readers.

2) Where, how, or in what context do readers usually find this genre?
  • The internet is teeming with quick reference guides.  Almost anyone who subscribes to online magazines has probably encountered this genre.  Even if you do not subscribe to these, many of these quick reference guides are able to be shared over social media, such as Facebook, and can therefore reach an even larger audience.

3)  Who is the typical audience for this genre?
·      The typical audience for quick reference guides are people who want specific and concise information on a topic, have access to the internet, and, frankly, are still willing to read in order to get information.

4) What are some of the key features that are unique to this genre that distinguish it from other         texts?
·      Aside from using visuals, like videos, graphs, and pictures, to further textual content, the quick reference guide implements other organizational and eye-catching features that appeal to their readers. 
o    Subheadings.  Often times these subheadings are major questions or statements that the readers might have. These easily guide the reader to each section, and make the article less visually monotonous. 
o   Hyperlinks: Unlike video essays or podcasts, quick reference guides often contain hyperlinks.  These are often attached to give the audience an even deeper level of knowledge on a particular subject if they choose to use the hyperlink.

5) Based on your answers to the questions above, come up with a definition in your own words for this genre. 
  • A quick reference guide is concise, yet in depth, genre of writing that incorporates visual elements, such as graphs, videos, and pictures, as well as hyperlinks to help further the readers knowledge, and provide a more visually enticing article.  Its subheadings make the article more approachable to readers, as these break up the article into manageable chucks  that are more “reader friendly.”  
Nemcsek, Thomas. "...Next Generation" 5/11/2014 via flickr.  Creative Commons License: Attibution 3.0 Unported


I commented on Emily's and Michael's posts.  After reading their posts, I realized how much these forms of media permeate our everyday lives.  For instance, I thought it was interesting how you could possibly consider a news report on TV a video essay. I had never thought about it until now.  

In terms of the writing process,  I am relieved that others seem to have a very mixed approach to writing such as mixing the heavy planner approach with sequential composing.  Even though I do something similar each time I write, there are always variations on how I choose to write my paper.  I specifically remember that Emily mentioned trying to create a schedule of when she writes, as well as when she takes breaks.  I think that I might try to implement this strategy, since I easily become stressed over major projects. 


  1. I also wrote about quick references guides and forgot to mention how hyperlinks were used to enable the reader to further explore an idea related to the guide. The one part I disagree with you on is related to the audience of these guides, because as I read them I saw them as a tool to quickly bring the reader up to speed on an issue or easily present a complex facet of an issue to the reader. All the best and great work.

  2. Michaela,

    I definitely learned a lot about quick reference guides from your comments made here. When I looked through the examples of the quick reference guide I did not immediately understand the purpose of the quick reference guide that a simple article in another form could not accomplish. Quick reference guides are much more convenient and thorough than I originally understood them to be.

  3. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
